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State of Cyber Security 2020

This blog will attempt to focus on solutions. There are many Strategic Important Digital Technologies that you team needs to address. These include cybersecurity, data mining and analytics, internet of things, cloud computing,mobile technologies for consumer engagement, and security-enabled business processes.

As we know, every good security program begins with the basic premise, we learn the basics first.

JED first learned about the core security terms and principles from ISSA in 1989. During their Annual Conference in Boston, MA, Hal Tipton, the father information security invited me to their conference where I learned the fundamentals of Principle of Least Privilege, and the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA) Triad. I also became conversant with fundamentals of Risk Management, security policy, authentication/authorization and security awareness training, with training by the international leaders in Audit and Information Security Training including Charles Cresson Wood, John Beveridge, Sandy Serizen.

In the early 1990s, I recognized the need for Auditors, security and the legal community to understand one of the most complex issue faced by security practitioners. This is issue was computer numbers and cryptography. How computers handle numbers using decimal, binary and hexadecimal numbering systems is a topic that computer programmers are learning today during their first computer science classes. John has a basic understanding of how computers encode letters using ASCII( American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

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